Fertilize the vegetable garden biologically

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
What Are Fertilisers? | Agriculture | Biology | FuseSchool
Video: What Are Fertilisers? | Agriculture | Biology | FuseSchool


Compost is an excellent fertilizer

Fertilize the vegetable garden biologically

Fertilization is a high priority in the organic garden, because it is only in healthy soil that strong plants grow. This dispenses entirely with chemical fertilizers. However, even with organic gardening, it is not without nutrition of the plants. Compost, manure, green manure, liquid manure, horn shavings or organic fertilizers from the gardening trade let vegetables thrive excellently and provide thick cabbages and a rich strawberry harvest.

The principle of fertilization in the organic vegetable garden

Prepare the soil well in autumn and spring, you need during the growth phase hardly additional fertilizer. Nonetheless, if nutrients are lacking, organic fertilizers are used which supply bacteria and fungi in the soil. These decompose green manure, compost or mulch and thereby release valuable substances for the plants. Good substrate you recognize the pleasant earthy smell, the many worms and living things that are in it and a loose structure.

Animal fertilizer

Crap from

has been one of the most important fertilizers since ancient times. It contains all nutrients in balanced and mild composition. This is applied as follows:

Horny flours are also among the valuable animal fertilizers. The coarser the substance, the slower this fertilizer is converted.

green manure

This is a very old method of soil improvement. In the vegetable garden, it is used as a kind of shift change. When a bed is harvested, the soil regenerating plant species are sown.

liquid manure

Both manure and plants can be prepared in water, fermented, and diluted accordingly as fertilizer to be poured. Jauchen are perfect for heavy tasters.


Compost is used in the organic vegetable garden not only as a fertilizer, but also as a humus supplier and for soil care. A high humus content increases the water and nutrient retention capacity of the soil.

Biological fertilizers from specialist retailers

In the garden trade you get universal and special fertilizer, which are optimally adapted to the nutritional requirements of certain vegetables. There are even vegetarian fertilizers made exclusively from vegetable raw materials.


In the vegetable garden, look for animal fertilizers from biological sources, as traces of antibiotics and hormones can also be found in animal fertilizers. You have no business in the vegetable garden.