Everything in the right place: store vegetables optimally

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 8 June 2024
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Video: Can we create the "perfect" farm? - Brent Loken


Peppers feel better at room temperature than in the fridge

Everything in the right place: store vegetables optimally

To keep vegetables fresh for as long as possible, it is important to store them in the right place. Each type of vegetable has its own claim to the perfect storage location where it stays crisp and tasty.

Rule of thumb for storing vegetables

Every type of vegetable feels most comfortable in the climate in which it has grown. This means that heat-loving vegetables such as peppers or eggplants are stored better at room temperature than in the fridge. Potatoes and cabbages love it cool and dark, which is why they are in good hands in a storage cellar. You can safely put salads or asparagus in the fridge to ensure the longest possible shelf life.

Vegetables that are well stored in the fridge

In the fridge belongs vegetables that tolerate cold temperatures and is not affected by high humidity. Especially for the short-term storage of various vegetables, the refrigerator is the right place. However, vegetables with high water content tolerate the cold badly and lose their taste in the refrigerator.

The fridge is the best storage place for:

Vegetables for which a storage cellar is optimal

Tubers in particular can be stored well in a cool storage cellar. In the basement, the vegetables are more airy than in the vegetable compartment, which is why it rarely starts mold. Starchy vegetables, especially potatoes, like it cool, but not cold, otherwise they turn their starch into sugar and taste unpleasant.

The following varieties can be stored well in the cellar:

Vegetables that tolerate room temperature

A breezy storage at moderate temperatures is suitable for many vegetables that have high season in summer and have a high water content. When cold, they lose their aroma. Important for storage in the kitchen is a shady place without heat influence, so for example not directly at the window or next to electrical appliances. Vegetables stored at room temperature should soon be consumed because they are less durable than refrigerated varieties.

At room temperature you can store the following varieties: