Never fertilize a money tree too much

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica) Root Rot, Overwatering & Tips For More Money!!
Video: Money Tree (Pachira Aquatica) Root Rot, Overwatering & Tips For More Money!!


The money tree must not be fertilized more than once a month

Never fertilize a money tree too much

Like the cacti, the money tree is one of the succulents. This plant group gets by with little nutrients. Therefore, give less than too much fertilizer. Why you should avoid over-fertilization.When and how often do you have to fertilize a tree?

When do you have to fertilize a money tree?

The money tree is fertilized only during the growth phase. It lasts from March to August. In the period from September to February penny trees go into the resting phase and then no longer get fertilizer.

More often than once a month, you must not fertilize the money tree, as it then receives too many nutrients.

The right fertilizer for money trees or penny trees

The ideal fertilizer for money trees is cactus fertilizer, which you get in the specialized trade. This is available as:

Liquid fertilizer is added to the irrigation water. Do not pour directly onto the plant, but sprinkle the substrate with the diluted solution.

Use granules and fertilizer sticks according to the instructions on the packaging. These fertilizers last longer, so you need to fertilize the money tree even more rarely.

Better to feed less than too much

If the leaves and stems of the money tree soften or the plant even loses leaves, this is often a sign of too high a supply of nutrients.

Therefore, you should rather fertilize money trees sparingly. If the plant grows in nutrient-rich soil, take less fertilizer than recommended on the packaging. Here often enough half of the dose.

If the substrate consists mainly of mineral parts, the plant needs a little more fertilizer. This is also true if you have not repotted the money tree longer.

Do not fertilize after repotting

If you have recently planted the tree in fresh substrate, it will not need any additional fertilizer in the next few months. In the potting soil then sufficient nutrients for a healthy growth are included.


The substrate for money trees should be low in nutrients but be water permeable. Earth is ideal, composed of 60% cactus clay and 40% mineral constituents. For this lava granules, gravel and quartz sand are suitable.