Confusion of yellow gentian with white germer

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Regulation of white hellebore  (Veratrum album)
Video: Regulation of white hellebore (Veratrum album)


White Germer (pictured here) looks a bit like the Yellow Gentian - if it does not flower

Confusion of yellow gentian with white germer

Yellow gentian and white germer are two occurring in the Alpine region plants that are occasionally confused with each other. However, this is dangerous because White Germer is highly toxic unlike the Yellow Gentian. However, there are distinctions that distinguish the two plants.

Similarities between Yellow Gentian and White Germer

Both plants have arched leaves, which have a gray-blue color.

The heyday of yellow gentian and white germer are also the same. They start in June and last until August.

Presence of Yellow Gentian and White Germer

Yellow gentian is currently still on the list of the federal species protection regulation, because the stock was still endangered until recently. Main deposits are the European mountains and Turkey. Of grazing animals, the plant is avoided because of the bittern content.

White Germer is very common and is not protected. It is widespread in Europe in the Alps, the Apennines and Eastern Europe.

Confusion with poisonous white germer

Yellow gentian is a natural healing herb from which the famous gentian schnapps is made. A confusion to the highly poisonous Germer is actually only possible, as long as the two plants do not bloom.

As the name suggests, yellow gentian bears yellow flowers while germer flowers white.

In the non-flowering state, the plants can be differentiated at the leaf level. In the Yellow Gentian, the leaves grow crosswise, while in the White Germer they appear three-stellate alternate.

White Germer is a poisonous plant

In contrast to the yellow gentian, white germer is a poisonous plant. It is even classified as highly toxic. Especially in the rootstock high concentrations of alkaloids are included.

Previously, white germen was used naturopathic for rheumatism, hypertension, fever and depression. Also as lice powder and even as a poison arrow the plant served. Today White Germer plays in natural medicine due to the risk of poisoning no longer matter.

In the event of poisoning, consult the doctor immediately, who will initiate detoxification measures.


Yellow gentian contains a lot of bitter substances but hardly any tannins and is therefore very kind to the stomach. Therefore, the roots of the plant are used for the production of gentian brandy. Since the plant is very bitter, it is also like to be planted to ward off animals in the garden.