The garden house as a residence in the countryside

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 22 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Home with a Garden and Kitchen Designed as One (House Tour)
Video: A Home with a Garden and Kitchen Designed as One (House Tour)


In the summer house you can not live permanently

The garden house as a residence in the countryside

In times when housing has become scarce, for many, the idea of ​​converting the arbor into an apartment and pulling it completely into it is obvious. Living in the middle of the green in your own house also has a high recreational factor. But what should be considered, should the garden house become a primary residence?

Living in the garden house - is that even allowed?

If you are planning a move to the arbor, you will soon discover that there are some legal obstacles to overcome. Simply moving into the garden shed and maybe even canceling the old flat completely could be problematic.

Before building a with:

equipped arbor you always need a building permit. Therefore, contact the responsible community early on and clarify the legal framework.

If the house is already standing, an application for conversion must be submitted to the competent authority before moving in. Bear in mind that certain statutory provisions must be observed with regard to fire protection and drainage.

You have good chances of getting permission if the arbor stands in a mixed area. However, infrastructure also plays a role here. Your new home in the countryside also needs its own house number and a mailbox.

The construction of the house in the countryside

In order to keep the house pleasantly cool in summer and cuddly warm in winter, a good foundation and a not-too-thin wall thickness is required. Electricity, heating, light, sanitary facilities and the kitchen are integrated directly during the construction.

The water supply by means of water heater has proven itself. Environmentally friendly pellet heating systems integrate well into the small wooden house. Alternatively, you can switch to electric heating systems. Gas is also a good alternative for stove and heating.

In order to keep it pleasantly warm in winter and not just heat it up, you should pay particular attention not only to a sufficient wall thickness, but also to the insulation. If necessary, consult a specialist for this, as important points are important here to observe the vapor barrier.

The interior

Living in a wooden house and in a limited space has a very special charm. Let your creativity in the interior design and the facility run wild and you will see that beautiful living dreams can be realized just by the cramped space.


If the arbor becomes a permanent residence, you should secure it well. Poor door locks and unsecured windows are every burglar's dream. Cylinder locks with strike plate and window locks make it difficult for uninvited visitors to break up violently. An additional alarm system and a good illumination of the paths are also recommended.