Demolition and disposal of the garden house

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 26 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Demolition of the old Play House
Video: Demolition of the old Play House


Sometimes the demolition is the only option

Demolition and disposal of the garden house

If the old arbor has become weathered and unsightly, usually only the final demolition remains. As a rule, you can easily disassemble and dispose of the small house yourself. However, there are some points to note, which we would like to discuss in more detail in our article.

The preparations

The demolition

First remove the roofing and the roof. Afterwards, the walls and, if they can not be reused, the floor slab is dismantled.


Sort all parts of the garden house before:

Glass, bitumen shingles or roofing felt takes the recycling center. This also applies to wood, which must be separated again:

Metal such as nails, screws or gutters can often be returned to the local scrap merchant for face value. If this is not the case, the recycling center is also responsible.


Much less complicated but also more expensive is the demolition by a company. Choose this route, be sure to get quotes from different companies. The prices can differ by several hundred euros, which you would rather invest in the new arbor.