When can I plant my cold frame? - Tips on the schedule

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Gardening expert Mark Cullen gives tips on using cold frames
Video: Gardening expert Mark Cullen gives tips on using cold frames


If you want to harvest early, you can plant the cold frame as early as February

When can I plant my cold frame? - Tips on the schedule

With a cold frame, you can already celebrate the opening of the season in the garden, when sowing in the field is out of the question. When exactly the starting signal falls, depends on the filling. This guide gives tips on how to influence the date of planting.

Planting begins in February - on one condition

So that a cold frame keeps what the name promises, it is placed in a sunny location with a southern orientation. In early spring, the sun's power alone is not enough to achieve growth-promoting temperatures in the cold frame. Only with the right filling do you generate a heat that encourages seeds to germinate and young plants to grow. This is how it works:

The decomposition process in stable manure generates the desired heat within 8 to 10 days. In this way, you can already sow and plant in the cold frame in February. Limit the filling to compost and garden soil, the opening window for the planting season opens in mid-March, due to the lower heat.

Not all plants are suitable for cultivation in the cold frame - tips for selection

All efforts for a sunny location and a natural heating run into the void, if the planting plan is not right. Suitable for cultivating in the cold frame are only ornamental and useful plants, which thrive anyway at low temperatures. The following overview lists the most popular candidates:

Until mid-October you can sow late radish varieties and winter spinach in the cold frame. For fast-growing style salads, such as 'yellow round' it is also in the fall not too late.


Before filling your cold frame, lay out the floor with sturdy wire mesh. Voles are magically attracted by the seductive scent of the filling and planting. Without suitable protective measures, seedlings and young plants are eliminated in no time at all.