Get healthy woman coat: It's all about care!

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get healthy woman coat: It's all about care! - Garden
Get healthy woman coat: It's all about care! - Garden


Get healthy woman coat: It's all about care!

Although pests do not like the lady's mantle. But diseases such as root rot, mildew and rust fungi do not necessarily keep away from him. As a cause, usually put care errors such as too frequent pouring and missing nutrients behind it.

Previous article Desire happy: The perfect location for lady's mantle

Are fertilization and watering necessary?

Lady's mantle must be poured regularly. He also calls for many nutrients. Therefore, he should be supplied in the spring with an organic fertilizer. For example, rotten compost and manure, horn shavings and guano fertilizers are well suited. A long-term nutrient supply ensures a thick mulch layer of bark. The side effect: The moisture is better preserved in the soil and the lady's mantle must be poured less frequently.

Does women's coat have to be wintered?

In mild situations lady's coat is hardy. In rough locations such as in coastal areas and at high altitudes, this herb should be protected as a precaution against long and heavy frosts in winter. For example, combine foliage and brushwood to cover the root area of ​​the plant.

How can he be increased?

The best way to increase the woman's coat is the division. This is how it works:

Furthermore, lady's mantle can be sowed or likes to take the sowing into the 'own hands'. The seeds must have passed through a cold period. After that they should not be covered or covered with earth (light germinator). After two to three weeks, they germinate when the soil is kept moist.

When and how must women's coat be cut?

In the fall after flowering, cut the stems and leaves of the woman's mantle to just above the ground. Afterwards, new leaves leave the area, which outlast winter in mild conditions.

To avoid self-sowing, do not wait with the cut until the fruit has formed. It is also recommended to cut down the plant after the first flowering. A second flower in late summer is the result.

Tips & Tricks

When planting, choose a location where the lady's mantle can spread unimpeded. Thus, you are not angry if it is happy to sow itself.