Forsythia is only slightly toxic to the cat

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Video: Forsythia


Climbing on forsythia can not poison your cat

Forsythia is only slightly toxic to the cat

For cat owners, the question often arises, which ornamental shrubs are harmless in the garden for cats.You can plant a forsythia without worries. Although the shrub is slightly toxic in all parts. The cat would have to eat large quantities of it to poison itself.

Forsythia is not toxic to cats

The toxins contained in forsythia are saponins, glycosides and essential oils.

However, the concentration is so weak that poisoning phenomena only become noticeable in cats and dogs when they eat a lot of them.

In diarrhea and stomach discomfort to the vet

If your cat has diarrhea or stomach problems, you should consult the vet and, if necessary, point out that you are taking forage in the garden.

Tips & Tricks

Cats almost always leave the forsythia to the left. If necessary, they climb around on larger shrubs. They can not poison themselves.