Increase fern by means of an offshoot - how does that work?

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Houseplant Fern Care Guide! πŸŒΏπŸ’š// Garden Answer
Video: Houseplant Fern Care Guide! πŸŒΏπŸ’š// Garden Answer


Fern is best propagated through spores, head cuttings or by division

Increase fern by means of an offshoot - how does that work?

Fern grows on his own gladly over his spores, which he matures in midsummer and blown away by the wind. But it takes a year to see the first plantlets! How it can be done easier and faster, get to know here ...

Share the fern

Probably the most common and safest way to multiply ferns is to divide the rootstock. This procedure should be tackled in the spring or summer.

First choose a strong fern. Get him out of the ground! Then shake clods loosely. Now you need a sharp and clean knife. This divides the rhizome in the middle. It is advantageous if each section has at least two fronds. After splitting, the rhizomes are planted and irrigated at various locations.

Cut cuttings and plant

Furthermore, some ferns can be propagated by cuttings or head cuttings. This is only possible in those species that form above-ground rhizomes. This increase is best done in early summer.

Thats how it works:

Use broilers to multiply

Further offshoots are breeding nodules. Some ferns form on the underside of their fronds these so-called breeding nodules. These include, for example, the royal fern, the fern and the Schildfarn. The brood knots that are used for breeding are usually along the midrib of the fronds.

You have 2 different options. On the one hand, you can remove the brood knots together with a piece of frond from the mother plant. The whole thing is placed in damp soil and possibly attached. On the other hand, you can simply bend the fronds with the Brutknöllchen on the ground and lay. After the Brutknöllchen are rooted, they are separated from the mother plant.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to use buns, you should wait until late summer. Only then are they mature.