Helpful Tips for Planting False Jasmine

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 4 April 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Growing  Jasmine - How To Grow Jasmine Plants In Containers
Video: Growing Jasmine - How To Grow Jasmine Plants In Containers


Wrong jasmine should stand as bright as possible

Helpful Tips for Planting False Jasmine

False Jasmine owes its name to the fact that it looks quite similar to the genuine jasmine and often also smells wonderful. When planting the species differ considerably. While Real Jasmine is a room or container plant, the hardy Jasmine is maintained in the garden.

Next article It's so easy to take care of wrong jasmine

At what location does wrong jasmine feel comfortable?

False jasmine likes to be bright and sunny or partially shaded. Direct shadows are unfavorable.

What demands on the ground does he have?

The soil should be loose and nutritious. Stagnant water does not tolerate False Jasmine. This rots the roots and the shrub dies with time.

When is the best planting time?

The best planting time is in spring or autumn. When planting the fall, it is advisable to apply a mulch cover.

How big must the planting distance be?

In the hedge, keep a planting distance of 80 to 100 centimeters. As an individual shrub, False Jasmine really comes into its own when it has a lot of space around it.

How is False Jasmine planted correctly?

When does False Jasmine bloom?

Depending on the variety, False Jasmine flowers from May to July. The flowers attract many bees and beneficials.

The smell of fake jasmine is much more intense in the evenings than during the day. However, not all varieties smell.

How is False Jasmine propagated?

Propagation is best done through cuttings. Sowing rarely succeeds.

With which neighbors is wrong Jasmin not?

You should not plant a Sapphire Hat and Ordinary Snowball near the area of ​​False Jasmine. The black bean lice hibernate on these shrubs, harrowing peasant jasmine in summer.

Is False Jasmine Toxic?

Many varieties of False Jasmine are unfortunately poisonous. Protect your hands during care.


Wrong jasmine, peasant jasmine, scented jasmine - the names for the shrub with its often fragrant flowers are manifold. What is meant is always the pipe shrub (Philadelphus erectus), which has very little in common with real jasmine.