Euphorbia - so poisonous are the spurge plants

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Euphorbia Milii can be poisonous (The plant tour)
Video: Euphorbia Milii can be poisonous (The plant tour)


When cutting etc. of spurge plants should be worn in any case gloves

Euphorbia - so poisonous are the spurge plants

The common name in German-speaking spurge for the genus of the numerous Euphorbia species is not by chance: Spurge plants but in injury from a caustic latex juice, which can be quite dangerous to health in most cases.

Early article properly cut subspecies of the genus Euphorbia

The dangers of the milkweed family

The latex-like, coagulating latex of the euphorbia contains, among other toxins, di- and triterpene esters. This can cause severe pain and chemical burns especially on the sensitive mucous membranes. When spurge plants are cut, the vapors alone can cause irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract. In any case, pay attention to the culture of Euphorbia:

Maintain indoor plants without panic

Despite the dangerous ingredients of euphorbia, these do not necessarily have to be banished from the windowsill. On closer inspection, many popular and attractive houseplants are harmful to health when ingested or touched. However, they should have a certain sensitivity in dealing with the plants in order to be able to safely enjoy their exotic beauty.


If you want to be on the safe side, you should sometimes look for alternatives to the spit palm and the triangular spurge when selecting houseplants. Finally, some spurge species are even suspected to favor the development of cancerous tumors.