Plant strawberries in the raised bed properly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting Strawberries in a Raised Bed
Video: Planting Strawberries in a Raised Bed


Plant strawberries in the raised bed properly

A raised bed scores points for the cultivation of strawberries with numerous advantages, such as a back-friendly care and a significantly higher crop yield compared to the flat bed. Follow our practical guide for the correct planting here.

Layer by layer to the perfect potting soil

One of the special attributes of a raised bed is the flexibility in the composition of the filling. While in the shallow bed the possibilities for improvement of the soil are limited, the soil in the raised bed is put together specifically to the requirements of strong-consuming strawberry plants. Experienced high bed gardeners plead for this layering:

The high bed should be filled at least four weeks before the planting so that the materials can settle.

Planting the raised bed with strawberries

At the selected planting date in July / August or March / April, the soil in the raised bed is once again loosened up. How to plant the strawberries correctly:

The perfect planting distance depends on the variety. Dwarfish strawberries are satisfied with a distance of 20 centimeters, while high-growth plants should keep a distance of 30 centimeters. In a mixed culture, an even greater distance is recommended if shadows are thrown by the planting neighbors. As a row distance 40 to 60 centimeters have proven.

Tips & Tricks

Few hobby gardeners apply a raised bed exclusively for the cultivation of strawberries. Since the plants are excellent with a variety of neighbors, nothing speaks against a balanced mixed culture. We recommend lettuce, leeks, spinach, parsley and onions. Tagetes, marigolds and lily-of-the-valley offer something for the eye.