Verbena on the balcony - planting and care tips

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Verbena Care Tips || How to Grow and Care Verbena || Fun Gardening
Video: Verbena Care Tips || How to Grow and Care Verbena || Fun Gardening


Verbena on the balcony - planting and care tips

The flowering verbena is non-toxic and can be used dried to prepare tea and incense. Newbies should not shy away from planting this plant on the balcony. If you know how, she is extremely easy to care for.

Preliminary considerations for planting on the balcony

Verbena is ideal as a traffic light plant for pots, tubs or balcony boxes. But beware: Since vervain can form long roots, the planter should be deep enough. Furthermore, when planting are considered a paser site and a plant-suitable substrate.

The location should be bright. Sunny to partially shaded locations such as south-facing balconies, east and west balconies are ideally suited. The verbena can handle wind well. Nevertheless, a wind-sheltered situation is preferable. The substrate - which is generally suitable for unit earth - should have the following properties:

You can put your verbena on the windowsill with the help of seeds starting in February. The room should have a temperature between 19 and 20 ° C. The seeds germinate, if kept moist, after 2 to 3 weeks. From May, your vervain can be relocated and fresh air can be caught on the balcony ...

Care measures: Pour, fertilize, cut

Vervain tolerates a dry soil for a short time. On the other hand, it can not make friends with wetness in the root area. Therefore, it should be poured regularly but sparingly. Check the earth: it can be dry half finger deep.

On the balcony verbena should be supplied every two to four weeks with a liquid fertilizer such as Guanodünger. Then the flowering lasts longer. Who wants to use the herb for consumption or tea, should use organic fertilizer.

Another care aspect is the cutting. The verbena should remove the old leaves and in summer the withered inflorescences. Furthermore, it is advisable to cut off the shoot tips of young plants, so that they grow bushier in the sequence and produce more flowers.

Hibernate or reapply?

Vervain is not good for winter hardy. Since the winter is associated with effort, it is recommended to sow the herb every year to new. Sometimes it also increases via self-sowing.

Tips & Tricks

If you want to plant several copies next to each other, keep a minimum distance of 30 cm between them.