Recognize and treat fungal attack on the yew tree

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Removing fungus on trees
Video: Removing fungus on trees


If the leaves of the yew change color, this may indicate a fungal attack

Recognize and treat fungal attack on the yew tree

It rarely happens that yews become ill with fungus. Usually, a combination of different causes for an attack by fungi, especially the wilting fungus, responsible. How do you recognize a fungal infection and what can you do about it?

Signs of fungal infection of the yew

If the needles of the yew soften, turn bright and fall off, you should think of a fungal attack and then examine the trees. If there are no traces of eating insects, it is probable that the fungus is infected.

Possible causes of fungal attack

Fungal attack on the yew is not to be treated

If the yew is attacked by a fungus, you can not do much about it. Often the yew is beyond salvation.

If the yew still has some healthy branches, you should take action immediately. The first step is to radically cut off all affected parts of the plant. Dispose of them with household waste. Under no circumstances may you compost such waste, as the fungus spreads even further. If the soil is too compact, try to loosen it carefully. If possible, create a drainage.

Give the yew additional fertilizer and pour it with growth aid from the garden retailer. Yews are very robust. Mostly they recover after some time.

Prevent fungal attack when planting

So that your yews do not even get infected with fungus, you should already observe some rules when planting.

Make sure that the soil is well loosened, that it has no thickening and that the rainwater runs well. Improve the soil by adding mature compost, horn shavings and some lime. Then the tree gets enough nutrients.

Do not plant yews too close in the hedge. Then the air can circulate better and mushrooms can not spread so fast.


If the needles turn yellow or brown, pests such as the louse can be the cause as well as fungal infestation. Examine the yews carefully and consult a specialist if necessary.