Plant yew in the bucket properly and care for it

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Paul Cappiello microMEETING 11 2020
Video: Paul Cappiello microMEETING 11 2020


Yews can also be kept in the bucket

Plant yew in the bucket properly and care for it

Yews are not only popular as single trees or in the hedge. The robust conifers can also be pulled in the bucket. However, they need a little more attention than in the field. What should you watch out for when taking care of a yew in a pot?

Plant yew in the tub and care for it

Yew trees are very slow-growing trees, which you can therefore plant in pots. They spend a long time with a pot and do not need to be replanted so often.

Important is a good place where you put the bucket. The location should not be too sunny but not directly in the shade. The yew forgives an unfavorable place, but then grows even slower or tends to brown needles.

The right pot

Yews are deep roots, but also form many superficial small roots. The bucket should therefore be a bit deeper and as wide as possible, so that the yew feel comfortable in it.

A drain hole is absolutely necessary, since yew trees can not tolerate waterlogging. Drain the soil with sand and stones before planting the yew.

Which substrate is suitable?

Suitable substrate is normal garden soil, which will enrich you with mature compost, some lime or horn shavings. If necessary, you can also buy coniferous earth in the garden shop.

To cultivate the yew in the pot

You need to water the yew in the bucket more often so that the earth never completely dries out. But avoid waterlogging. Put them in the saucer, so you can pour off excess water immediately.

You should fertilize with mature compost or special fertilizer for yew trees. This happens best in the spring. Although you do not have to cut the yew. But if you maintain it as a spherical shape you should reach for the scissors at least twice a year.

The yew must only be repotted when its roots grow out of the vent hole.


Yews are poisonous, in almost all plant parts. If you have children or pets, you should do without a yew in the garden or pot better.