Yew hedge - How to plant a yew hedge

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Planting a YEW Hedge
Video: Planting a YEW Hedge


A string can be used to create a straight hedge

Yew hedge - How to plant a yew hedge

The yew is an evergreen conifer native of our latitudes. It comes so well with our conditions, is very robust and can be easily cut into shape. That's why yew trees are so popular as a hedge.

Yew trees are very suitable as hedge plants

Are you looking for a hedge plant that is evergreen, easy to care for and also opaque? Then the yew as a hedge could be the right choice. Yews can cope with most locations, can be pruned and even cut into special shapes.

However, the yew is a very slow-awake tree, so it takes some time to create a higher hedge. If you do not want to wait that long, buy some larger, more preferred plants.

A hedge of yew does not need much care, if you pay attention to a few things when planting.

The right location

The yew prefers a location in partial shade. It also tolerates sun and complete shade. However, sun exposure is very important for young plants. Older plants, the sun but nothing more.

In strong shadows, the slow growth of the yew hedge is further delayed.

Prepare planting site and place yew

Make sure that no waterlogging can occur because it does not like the yew. Therefore, remove soil thickening and create drainage of sand and gravel.

Per meter of hedge you have to expect three to four yews. Do not plant too close to prevent later fungal attack.

Maintain yew in the hedge properly

In order to speed up the growth of yew hedge, fertilize in spring. You either use slow-release fertilizer or you work mature compost, deposited horse dung and some lime into the soil.

In the first few years you need to water hedge regularly so it does not dry up. Later you only need to water in very dry summers and winters.

Cut yew hedge

Immediately after planting cut back the hedge. Yews easily tolerate a strong pruning. The more you cut, the faster the yew hedge becomes dense.

Cut the hedge twice a year - once in the spring before the new shoot and once in late summer.

If the hedge becomes over time, shorten it so that light can reach the lower regions again. The yew shoots then new and the yew hedge is beautiful again after some time.


Before planning a yew hedge, think carefully about where you want to put the trees. Yews are highly toxic and pose a real danger to gardens with children or near domestic and pastoral animals.