Propagate insects from cuttings - instructions

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 POWERFUL HOMEMADE ROOTING HORMONES| Natural Rooting Stimulants for Gardening
Video: 8 POWERFUL HOMEMADE ROOTING HORMONES| Natural Rooting Stimulants for Gardening


The cuttings are rooted easily in soil or water

Propagate insects from cuttings - instructions

Effectors do not make offshoots that you can use to multiply the houseplant. An Efeutute can easily be self-propagating over cuttings. So you pull a new efeutute from cuttings.

Cutting cuttings

Cuttings of your own can theoretically be cut all year round. However, it is recommended to use the spring for propagation, because then the daylight is much brighter.

It is enough if you cut a long shoot for propagation. He should have already developed air roots as possible, as the cuttings then root faster. Cut smaller pieces so each cut has at least three leaf nodes.

Put the cuttings in potting pots or put them in a glass of water.

Maintain cuttings in the cultivation pot

Fill small pots with potting soil. The substrate should be composed of equal parts of peat and sand.

Put the cuttings in the ground so that the bottom pair of leaves is still above the ground. Put a plastic bag over it to keep the substrate sufficiently moist.

Within a short time, underground roots are formed. Maintain the seed pots as normal.

Roast the apple shoots in a glass of water

Fill a glass of water with tap water that is as free of limescale as possible and insert one cut per cut glass with the cut side down.

The roots develop quickly. Once they have reached a length of about three centimeters, the offshoots are transplanted into new pots. The roots of cuttings pulled in the glass are somewhat sensitive. Take care not to damage them while planting.

The right location for the cuttings

Efeututen come from the tropics. They like it bright and warm. Place the pots or water glass so that the cuttings are bright but not directly sunny. The temperatures should be around 20 degrees.


Always plant three to four cuttings from cuttings into a pot. Then the effigies seem much busier.