Which pests are found in ivy?

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 15 June 2024
Identifying Insects on Ivy Flowers
Video: Identifying Insects on Ivy Flowers


Grubs like to nibble on ivy

Which pests are found in ivy?

If the leaves of the ivy have brown or yellow discoloration, dry up or fall off, usually care mistakes are responsible. Occasionally, however, also make pests of the climber to create. How to identify pests and what to do about them.

Pests that can make ivy create

The most common pests include:

Pests in room ivy

With ivy, which is maintained in the room, especially lice and spider mites occur. These are usually well visible to the naked eye.

In addition to food marks that cause holes in the leaves, lice or mealybugs leave a sticky deposit on the leaves. Red spider mites show traces of suction on the top and bottom of the leaves.

Pests occur in the room especially if the humidity is too low. It is worth spraying the ivy regularly with water from a spray bottle, especially in the winter months. In general, ivy should not be near heat sources or directly in the sun.

Fight pests in the room

Shower the ivy well in the shower and do not forget the pot. In case of heavy infestation simply cut off affected shoots.

Treat the plant with a mixture of dishwashing liquid and water. Commercially available insecticides can also be used to combat the pests.

Beetle larvae and grubs in the field

In the field, larvae of beetles lurk on the ivy. They are in the ground and can only be seen when you dig up the ground. Particularly dangerous are the larvae of the weevil. Engerlinge, the larvae of the May beetle, on the other hand, only cope with the ivy every few years.

To combat pests in the soil, you can use nematodes, useful nematodes that eat up the larvae and leave only the hulls behind.

On the other hand, you should rather avoid the use of chemicals in the interest of garden health.


If the leaves of ivy turn red with declining temperatures, it is not due to vermin. Some varieties get red leaves in autumn. Even in strong sunlight, the leaves turn red.