Choose a suitable location for the dragon tree

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 14 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Spyro the Dragon- How to Reach Tree Tops Secret Areas w/ Supercharge Ramp Jumps (Launch Date Trophy)
Video: Spyro the Dragon- How to Reach Tree Tops Secret Areas w/ Supercharge Ramp Jumps (Launch Date Trophy)


The dragon tree likes it bright

Choose a suitable location for the dragon tree

Since the dragon tree in this country is not hardy in the field, the search for suitable cultural sites is usually limited to rooms within the house. Although the various species of the dragon tree are considered to be relatively easy to maintain, you should be a bit picky when choosing the location.

Pay attention to suitable lighting conditions

In nature, the dragon tree often thrives in sun-drenched landscapes such as the Canary Islands. Nevertheless, most species of the dragon tree are more sensitive to excessive direct sunlight. Therefore, you should not place the dragon tree directly in front of a south-facing window. On the other hand, east, west or north oriented windows are more suitable. You can also protect the dragon tree with a curtain from too much sunlight, to avoid falling leaves. If the location is darker than partially shaded, the plants will stretch with their growth towards the light, so that a pruning may be necessary for size limitation.

Dragon trees like it rather damp

Dragon trees usually leave their leaves hanging or even enter where the air is very dry. Therefore, dragon trees should actually be placed neither on the windowsill, nor directly next to a radiator. If a high level of humidity is not present, as in the bathroom, for example, then the following measures can be helpful:

Beware of draughty locations

Drafts are tolerated by dragon trees only rather bad, therefore, staircases for these houseplants are usually rather unsuitable. Even when moving to the balcony in the summer, you should pay attention to a location protected from drafts.


Dragon trees with "colorful" drawn or rather reddish leaves generally tolerate more direct sunlight than specimens with distinctly green leaves.