Cultivate the dragon tree in hydroponic culture optimally

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Лекция Hydroponic system for growing trees
Video: Лекция Hydroponic system for growing trees


Even in hydroponics, the dragon tree needs a little bit of care now and then

Cultivate the dragon tree in hydroponic culture optimally

In recent years, the small brown clay spheres of the once popular hydroponic culture seem to have gone out of fashion. Wrongly, after all, cultured dragon trees cultivated in the room in this cultivated form require significantly less care than conventional substrates.

The hydroponic culture can certainly offer some advantages in dragon trees

Hydroculture refers to a soilless plant care in the pot, in which, instead of the usual substrate small, fired clay beads give the roots of a plant hold. In general, special planters are used in which the plant roots refer the moisture from a water reservoir in the lower part of the container. There are several reasons why switching to a hydroponic culture may be worthwhile, especially for dragon trees:

So while on the one hand the casting work in hydroponic culture is less, the system offers on the other hand, especially when using the usual water level indicator better control over the water supply.

There are a few things to consider about a hydroponic dragon tree

You should be aware that the hydroculture clay beads themselves do not contain or store water or nutrients. Rather, these act as a "foundation" for the plant, as they give the roots support. At the same time, the problem of dangerous waterlogging is also effectively avoided in hydroculture, since constant ventilation of the root area is ensured in every case. Since no soil with the appropriate nutrients is present, the irrigation water must always be mixed with a precisely dosed amount of liquid fertilizer. Even with a dragon tree in hydroponic culture should not be exaggerated with the casting. The sometimes forming on the surface of the clay balls salt layer can be washed away without hesitation or eliminated by mixing the beads on the surface.

Accustom the dragon tree to an existence in a pot full of clay beads

In a dragon tree previously grown in ordinary soil, when changing to a hydroponic culture, the roots must first increase in length to reach the water in the reservoir. Therefore, you should first put these plants after repotting in a less sunny place with very high humidity.


You can leave a dragon tree in hydroponics in a not too hot location for up to three weeks, if you have filled the pot to the maximum of the water level indicator before you leave.