Feed the dragon tree properly

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dracaena Plant Care 101 | Dragon Tree and Corn Plant
Video: Dracaena Plant Care 101 | Dragon Tree and Corn Plant


The right amount of fertilizer promotes healthy, fast growth

Feed the dragon tree properly

As the dragon tree tolerates no frost, it is usually cultivated throughout the year as a houseplant in a pot. Deficiency symptoms such as yellow spots on the leaves can have different causes in the dragon tree, but sometimes it only lacks the correct fertilization.

A commercial complete fertilizer ensures healthy plant growth

In terms of selecting a suitable fertilizer, the dragon tree is not overly picky. Basically, the nutrients for its growth can come from different sources:

The use of a solid fertilizer can be risky because it is sometimes difficult to dose. In case of doubt, you better prefer a liquid fertilizer, which you simply add to the irrigation water in weak doses every two weeks during the growth phase between February and October. If pre-fertilized soil containing compost is used during repotting, the proportion of fertilizer can be correspondingly reduced in the following months. Alternatively, practical fertilizer sticks can be used.

Attention: The procedure for fertilizing a dragon tree in hydroponics

Since dragon trees like to keep it moist in their plant pot, but only tolerate waterlogging at the roots, their care in hydroponics is much easier. The clay spheres of hydroponic culture contain and store no nutrients, so all nutrients must be administered to the plants in liquid form via the irrigation water. However, the liquid fertilizer may never be administered pure or insufficiently diluted, since the sensitive roots could easily be damaged.

Do not fertilize in winter

Like many other indoor plants, dragon trees should be fertilized as little or as little as possible during the winter months. Since it comes in this period to a reduction of natural light and partly also to a reduction in temperature, correspondingly reduces the plant growth and thus the nutrient requirement.


A flowering dragon tree is basically a relatively rare phenomenon. It should be possible to specifically induce the flowering in the dragon tree with certain cold and dry phases. Some hobby gardeners remove flower approaches but also because they cost the plants a lot of power. Make sure you have sufficient fertilizer if your dragon tree is to survive the relatively long flowering period.