Can I pull a dipladenia as a bonsai?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 1 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
RockTrumpet (Mandevilla) Pre-Bonsai  - First Pruning and Wiring
Video: RockTrumpet (Mandevilla) Pre-Bonsai - First Pruning and Wiring


The Dipladenia is an unusual choice for bonsai growing

Can I pull a dipladenia as a bonsai?

The Dipladenia is not necessarily one of the typical plants from which bonsai are grown. In principle, it is quite suitable. Because it does not need a genetic predisposition to dwarfism but only the right cut.

Choose a healthy young plant to make a bonsai from. The Dipladenia or Mandevilla is relatively cut friendly. However, it is also poisonous and therefore should not be within reach of small children or pets. When cutting, put on gloves to prevent contact with the milk-like and also poisonous sap.

How to draw a bonsai?

Using the Shape or Conservation Section, you'll trim the new shoots of your plant to maintain or refine their appearance. This cut is also called a care cut. It stimulates the bonsai to grow evenly and to have a filigree branching. Use a clean and sharp pair of scissors or pliers for this cut, which can be done virtually at any time.

In addition to the care cut, there is still the design section. As the name implies, you design your bonsai and give it the desired shape. You should not make this cut during the growth period, but either before or after it, ie in spring or late autumn.

How do I care for a bonsai?

Because a bonsai is naturally grown in a small vessel, it does not have much nutrient available from the soil. So a Dipladenia Bonsai must be poured and fertilized particularly carefully and regularly. In order for the frost-sensitive Dipladenia to develop well, you should give it a suitable location, namely bright and warm.

To pull a bonsai:


The Dipladenia is a rather unusual choice if you want to pull a bonsai.But it is worth a try.