Cut Germania - Tips for cutting the ornamental shrub

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 19 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Baar k pode ki fancy cutting || Gardening & Others
Video: Baar k pode ki fancy cutting || Gardening & Others


The Deutzia should be cut after flowering

Cut Germania - Tips for cutting the ornamental shrub

Deutzzie (botanical: Deutzia) does not grow very fast. It can therefore do without a regular cut. However, it may be worth cutting the shrub after flowering. Sometimes Deutzie then blooms a second time in autumn.

Early article Small presentation of different varieties of Deutzia Next article The Deutzie, also called Maiblumenstrauch, is not poisonous

Stimulate second flowering by cutting

Deutzien belong to the weak-awake woody plants. Many gardeners therefore abstain from an annual cut. This saves a lot of work when the Deutzians are planted as a hedge.

If you cultivate the shrub as an individual plant in the garden, you should definitely reach for the scissors in spring. A pruning directly after flowering stimulates the formation of new flowers in the fall. You can then enjoy the pretty flower clusters twice a year.

Pruning of the Deutzium after flowering

The best time to cut Deutzia is June, early July when the shrub has withered.

Cut the flowered shoots down to one third. Always make the cut just above a bud pointing outward.

When cutting, make sure the Deutzian retains a nice shape. Remove weak shoots and cut out protruding branches. Light up branches that are too close so that the center of the bush gets enough light.

When rejuvenating cut remove old wood

After two to three years, it's time to do a rejuvenation cut. You remove all old, woody shoots. Cut the old branches as close as possible over the root neck. For this you usually need a pruning saw.

The rejuvenation cut should then take place every two years to stimulate the degeneration of young shoots.

When the ideal time for a rejuvenation cut is, the ghosts divorced. Some gardeners advise to do the rejuvenation cut in late winter, others recommend cutting directly after flowering.

Cut cuttings for propagation

If you want to plant a whole hedge from Deutzia, cut cuttings in the summer to grow the plant. Use a shoot that grows in the middle of the bush.

Cut a 20 to 30 cm long piece that is not quite woody yet. The lower leaves are removed and the cuttings are placed in a pot with germ-free potting soil.

The pot must be bright but not directly in the sun. Keep the soil evenly moist so that roots can form. Avoid too much wetness because the cuttings will rot.


The non-toxic Deutzians are very robust and easy to clean. The soil should be permeable and nutrient-rich. The hardy shrub bears a rich flowering only if it receives enough sun at its location.