Fight clematis wilt and prevent - the 5 best tips

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Fight clematis wilt and prevent - the 5 best tips

She does not sneak up, but raids a clematis with vehemence. The clematis wilt especially targets the magnificent, large-flowered hybrids and gathers them within a few days. Explore our top 5 tips for fighting and prevention here.

Tip 1: Remove infected leaves immediately

When the weather is warm and humid, there is an increased level of alertness, because ideal conditions for the pathogens of the clematis wilt prevail now. Check your clematis daily. Appear on the leaves brown spots with yellowish atrium, the mushroom spores have struck. Cut out infected parts of the plant promptly with a sharp, disinfected pair of scissors. Then treat the Clematis with an approved fungicide such as Neudorff Atempo Mushroom-Free or Compo Duaxo Universal Mushroom-Free.

Tip 2: Cut down withered forest vine close to the ground

At an advanced stage, hobby gardeners can not avoid a pruning. If the entire clump of forest withers, trim all tendrils just above the ground. With a little luck, the subterranean parts of the plant will not be affected and will be released within the coming weeks, months or years.

Tip 3: Aspirin strengthens the defenses against clematis wilt

At first glance, it seems like an April Fool's joke and has proven itself in a hobby garden that is close to nature. Salicylic acid strengthens the defenses against fungal infections on plants. Since this ingredient is in the form of acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin tablets, treat a clematis wilt-infested clematis after pruning as follows:

Tip 4: Proper choice of location prevents clematis wilt

In emperor weather a clematis threatens no danger by the clematis wilt. Only moisture provides the cunning mushroom spores the breeding ground. Therefore, plant a clematis in a rain-protected location, such as a roof ledge. This prudence drastically reduces the risk of infection.

Tip 5: Plant Clematis deep enough - that's what drives them out

In view of the rapid spread, the clematis wilt of a clematis leaves little chance of survival. That does not mean that you throw the gun completely in the towel. If you use a young plant deep enough, there are good chances for a new budding. This hope is fueled by the fact that the fungal spores usually spare underground shoots and roots. How to do it right:

In addition, place the young plant slightly diagonally in the ground, thus supporting a more intensive rooting.

Tips & Tricks

The clematis wilt is a highly contagious disease. Therefore, do not discard cut leaves, flowers and shoots on the compost but in your household waste. The same applies to fallen leaves of an infected clematis, because from here, the fungal spores seek new victims in the garden.