What to do if a clematis wilts?

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 5 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Clematis Wilt Disease: How to Revive the Vine
Video: Clematis Wilt Disease: How to Revive the Vine


What to do if a clematis wilts?

It is so devastating when the clematis withers out of the blue. Ironically, the large-flowered hybrids reveal this sad picture in the middle of summer. What causes are behind this and how you react to them, read here.

Cause # 1 - Clematis wilt

The damage pattern gave the fungal infection the name. Where the cunning mushroom spurs wander over a clematis, withered leaves and flowers wither within a few days. Therefore, there is an urgent need for action already at the first signs. How to act correctly:

In the advanced stage, you will not be spared cutting back the Clematis to the ground. If the clematis was planted deep enough to plant, it drives with a little luck from the sleeping buds again. This hope exists because the fungal spores of the clematis wilt do not infect subterranean plant parts.

Targeted prevention

The most effective prevention against clematis wilt has been the choice of a rain-protected site. Put the climbing plant under the protection of a roof projection, get less water on the leaves and the fungal spores, the central distribution path is closed. This also includes not grazing the clematis overhead but pouring it directly to the roots.

Other causes of a wilting clematis

If a fungal infection can be excluded as a cause, the following triggers may be considered for a wilting clematis:

Where slow-release fertilizer is used for the nutrient supply of a clematis, the dosage recommendation should by no means be exceeded. Alternatively, fertilize the climber organically with compost, horn shavings and comfrey. So that no voles make noise on the root ball, the planting pit is designed with a vole grid. A thumb sample of the substrate every 2 days reliably prevents water deficiency.

Tips & Tricks

Although the clematis has no problems with soil fatigue, after the clematis wilt occurs an exchange of soil at the site should be made. This prudence preserves a newly planted clematis from immediately being attacked by the fungal infection.