Simply multiply Christrose by dividing

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Reconciliation - Theology Simplified 4 - Student of the Word 932
Video: Reconciliation - Theology Simplified 4 - Student of the Word 932


Christmas roses should be replanted immediately after division

Simply multiply Christrose by dividing

The easiest way to propagate a Christmas rose is to share the perennial. In contrast to seed propagation, this method has the advantage of being completely trouble-free and very fast.

Why sharing is preferable to sowing

It is much easier to multiply a Christmas rose by sharing than to grow new plants from seed.

The seeds germinate very slowly and only after it has been cold for a long time. So you have to wait a long time to see a success and wait longer for the first flowering.

When you split the newly created plants are used immediately again. Mostly they bloom already in the following winter.

The best time to share

The division takes place immediately after flowering in spring. A good time to share is if you dig up the Christmas rose anyway, because you want to transplant it.

This is how the division of the Christmas rose works

Be sure to dig up the Christmas rose as completely as possible. The more roots you catch, the easier the shrub grows again.

Lay the perennial on the ground. Pierce the middle of the Christmas rose with a spade so that enough leaves and roots remain on both sides.

Immediately plant Christmas roses

Plant part of the Christmas rose back into the previous planting hole. The second part is also set to the new location.

You should have previously planted a planting hole or prepared a pot so that you can plant the Christmas rose immediately.

The Schneerose grows better if you give a little of the previous garden soil in the new planting.

Pull species-pure plants

When sowing seeds of the snow-rose, you can sometimes experience a surprise. Instead of the desired variety, the new Christmas rose has a different flower color.

In the multiplication by sharing that can not happen. Split snow roses have the same characteristics as the mother plant.

Tips & Tricks

Christmas rose and snow rose are further names of the Christmas rose from the family of the Nieswurze. The Latin name is Helleborus niger. The addition of "niger" = black owes the Christmas rose to its black roots.