When is harvest time for the Chinese cabbage?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Grow Chinese Cabbage - Napa Cabbage  -  TIPS Growing Cabbage From Seeds
Video: How to Grow Chinese Cabbage - Napa Cabbage - TIPS Growing Cabbage From Seeds


Chinese cabbage can be harvested even in winter

When is harvest time for the Chinese cabbage?

Chinese cabbage is one of the vegetables that are harvested very late in the year. Learn below about when to harvest your Chinese cabbage and what to look for.

Chinese cabbage blooms: Why and what can you do? Next article Store Chinese cabbage: In the fridge, freezer or in the basement

Chinese cabbage is harvested in autumn

The main harvest season for the Chinese cabbage is in October and November. Sometimes it can already be harvested in September and in rare cases can still be harvested in December. Chinese cabbage can tolerate frost to -6 degrees, but should not be harvested in frosty weather.

Exact harvest time

Chinese cabbage should be harvested 80 to 90 days after sowing. This usually takes place in July; Earlier sowing would cause the Chinese cabbage to flower. The leaves should be closed tightly and no flower bud should be seen yet.

How to harvest Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is cut just above the ground with a sharp knife. The outer leaves may u.U. remove, e.g. if they are heavily soiled or tough.
If you want to store the Chinese cabbage for a long time, you can dig it out with its root. Even in this case, but a cool place to choose.