How to dry chilli easily in the air or in appliances

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Dehydrate using the Power Air Fryer Oven
Video: How to Dehydrate using the Power Air Fryer Oven


How to dry chilli easily in the air or in appliances

The knowledgeable care of Chilipflanzen attracts a rich harvest. But where to go with the spicy treats? Air drying has been proven for centuries as effective preservation of chilies. The consistency of the pods determines the procedure. So go ahead.

Thin-meated chilies dry with air

In the constantly dry climate much of the stored water evaporates. Microorganisms and bacteria multiply only very slowly, which preserves the chilies for a long time. Without further aids this practice leads to success only with thin-fleshed fruits.

Make chilli with needle and thread

Drying is most comfortable when you draw a string through the stems of the pods and hang everything up. Then the chilies dangle in the air, like laundry on a leash.

The ideal location is in a warm, airy place. There it may like to be half shady to shady. After about 3 to 6 weeks, the process is completed. The most important premise for dried chilies is absolute protection against moisture.

Decorative Ristras - the Mexican way to dry chilies

Did you notice the picturesque Chili-Ristras on the walls of your house while vacationing in Mexico or Hungary? To conjure up your own, sharp wall decorations from your harvest:

Now attach a long piece of sturdy string to a curtain rod or cabinet handle before moving on. At the bottom, tie in a piece of wood or a cork.

Thick meaty chilies wander into the dehydrator

The local climatic conditions are not designed to dry voluminous chilies. In this case, a little technical support is needed. Special dehydrators have proven themselves well.

The appliances work with an electric heater and a blower. The heated air flows through the sieve plates with the spread chillies. Depending on performance and features, drying takes up to 8 hours.

It is recommended to install a timer. In any case, you should keep an eye on the drying process. Properly dried pods are still slightly rubbery. Finally, allow the dried chillies to cool and place in an airtight container.

Where a dehydrator is missing, the oven takes over the function

For leisure gardeners, it is not always worth investing in a dehydrator. If you want to conserve your favorite varieties from time to time, use the oven for that.

If you want to complete the drying in a gentle cycle, the pods initially linger for 4 hours in the oven. Then fill up with fresh air for a day of sunshine. On the third day, the process continues in the oven for 3 hours.

These chillies only dry with machine help

Only the elite is suitable for drying

Chilies occasionally confront gardeners with dark spots and discoloration. Experienced breeders know that this is not an infestation by diseases or pests. Rather, so completely express natural pigment changes. These chilies are quite suitable for consumption.

In the dehydrator or the oven, they have nothing to look for. Chilies only dry in the best quality if they are flawless. This means that the stems are removed and every single pod is carefully cleaned.

Tips & Tricks

Of course you should NOT dry chilies. A chili enthusiast recently packed 1 kilogram of pods in the microwave to dry them. This plan had bad consequences. All the residents of the house searched with wide-eyed, teary eyes while the fire-brigade with respiratory protection approached. The biting smell could only be controlled with high-performance fans. The bailout bill then brought tears to the chili dryer.