Calla (Zantedeschia) needs good care

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Calla (Zantedeschia) needs good care

Calla (Zantedeschia) is often referred to as Calla Lily. This is a bit misleading, because the room calla is not a lily, but a plant of the arum family with other care needs than those of the lilies. These tips will help you to properly care for your calla.

Former Calla planting - questions about proper planting Next article Calla overwinter correctly

How is the calla properly poured?

The Calla is native to South African wetlands, where there are times of drought. To properly care for the plant, you must satisfy these demands.

During the growing season and the flowering period, the earth should never dry out. It does not hurt, if now and then some irrigation water is in the coaster. Once a week you should spray the calla with a flower syringe and increase the humidity.

During the resting period and hibernation, the calla is not poured at all, so that the substrate dries up completely.

How should the Calla be fertilized?

In the growth phase before flowering, fertilize every two weeks with some liquid fertilizer in the irrigation water. During flowering the calla is fertilized weekly. After flowering no more fertilizer may be given.

Basically, it is better to provide the plant with too little fertilizer than too much fertilizer.

When does the calla have to be repotted?

As with any potted plant repotting is necessary at the latest when the pot is too small. However, gardeners advise to replant the Calla every spring, replacing the entire earth.

Strained, leached earth gets the Calla not at all. It will hardly bloom and get yellow leaves prematurely.

Calla, which is planted in the garden, may put you in the same place every year in May.

Is the cutting of the plant necessary?

Cutting is hardly necessary. Only be cut

You should never cut green leaves. They supply the plant with nutrients.

Does Calla need a break?

After flowering, Calla needs a rest period of at least ten weeks. During this time it is neither poured nor fertilized. To properly care for the plant, place it in a bright and cool place during this time.

Calla, which you put into the flowerbed, you dig out at the latest in the fall and let the flower bulbs completely dry out. Then the tubers come to winter quarters.

Which diseases can occur?

The Calla is very troubling with fungal and viral diseases. The signs of infestation are leaves that turn brown or yellow prematurely. If not acted immediately, the root begins to rot.

Diseases occur especially if you do not properly care for Calla. In particular, polluted, old soil or pots and also too little moisture during the flowering phase or too wet in the resting phase cause diseases.

If necessary, you can try to remove the affected areas on leaves and tubers. Mostly it is already too late for that. The plant should then be disposed of with household waste.

Which pests do you need to pay attention to?

Aphids and spider mites are very common in calla. Try to wash the leaves and collect the pests from the bracts.

If the infestation is very strong, often only the use of pesticides from the trade. In any case, you should set the plant separately so that the pests can not spread further.

The best precaution is that you care for the calla properly. A healthy Zantedeschia survives mild pest infestation better.

What if plant gets yellow leaves?

Yellow leaves after flowering are quite normal. Only if the leaves already discolor before, a disease or a care mistake can be responsible for it.

Why is it, if the calla does not bloom?

If the calla does not flower, it is almost always due to improper care or a bad location. Seed-grown Calla plants only start to bloom after a few years.

Is Calla hardy?

Most calla varieties are not hardy. They must be overwintered frost-free.

How is Calla properly wintered?

The room calla in the pot is placed in a cool but bright place until January and is not poured or fertilized. From January, it will slowly get used to more warmth and moisture.

From Calla bulbs you must remove the earth after spending and let the tubers dry well. They are then stored in a dark and very dry place until spring.

Tips & Tricks

Calla (Zantedeschia) is now available in many varieties and colors. Basically, the original, white varieties are a bit more robust than the colored ones. You do not have to be that warm either.