Calla planting - questions about the correct planting

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 8 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow Calla Lily RIGHT Way At RIGHT Time?
Video: How To Grow Calla Lily RIGHT Way At RIGHT Time?


Calla planting - questions about the correct planting

The Calla (Zantedeschia) is one of the most beautiful ornamental plants in the flower window and flower bed. In order to give the plants a good start, you must pay attention to a few points when planting. Little instructions for setting the popular flower.

Next article The Calla (Zantedeschia) needs good care

Which location is suitable?

Calla must be very bright, but does not tolerate direct midday sun. The soil may be slightly swampy. During the rest break the Calla must be completely dry.

Does the calla need special soil?

Normal potting soil is sufficient. Always take fresh soil that you are sure is germ-free and free from fungal spores.

When is the best planting time?

Flower bulbs that have wintered you will be put into new pots starting in January.

Calla, which you want to plant directly into the flowerbed in the garden, may only be set from the end of May.

What planting distance should you keep at Gartencalla?

The planting distance in the flowerbed depends on the variety and the size of the calla. The distance should not be less than 40 centimeters.

Is it worth it to call Calla?

If you want to cultivate Calla in the garden, it is worth to prefer the plants in the house. You can then plant them together with pot in the soil and easily dig up again in autumn.

When is the heyday of Calla?

Many varieties bloom from January to April. Later varieties have their main flowering period from May to August.

How do you plant Calla correctly?

You may only plant Calla in the garden from the end of May. Dig holes that are twice as deep as the calla is long. The onion is used, covered with earth and poured well.

Does the calla have to be transplanted?

Experts recommend potting potted plants with evergreen leaves every spring to prevent disease. Other varieties should overwinter as a flower bulb without pot.

Can the plant be propagated?

About the division of the tuber or small offshoot tubers that form during the growth phase, the Calla can easily multiply.

Somewhat more complicated is the multiplication by seeds. However, it takes a few years until such a drawn Calla forms the first flowers.

Is the calla safe for children and pets?

Calla is mildly toxic. Especially the sap can cause allergic reactions. Over the leaves the plant separates the juice. If there are small children or animals in the house, the Calla must be placed out of reach.

Tips & Tricks

Fresh earth plays a big role in the planting of Calla. The plant reacts sensitively to bacteria and spores. To kill possible germs, you can put the garden soil in the oven for about 60-80 degrees.