Boxwood gets yellow leaves - causes and countermeasures

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 5 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Q&A – What’s wrong with my boxwood? Some leaves are yellowing.
Video: Q&A – What’s wrong with my boxwood? Some leaves are yellowing.


Nutrient deficiency can be behind it when the boxwood turns yellow

Boxwood gets yellow leaves - causes and countermeasures

If the box tree turns yellow, there can be various causes behind it. In many cases it is the result of a lack of water or nutrients, sometimes the roots can be damaged. This will help you quickly.

water shortage

Buchs has a fairly high water requirement and can not cope with prolonged drought. Therefore, in hot and dry phases, be sure to regularly water planted specimens in the garden. On the other hand, if the boxwood is in the pot, it needs some liquid in the winter from time to time. Therefore, do not forget to water the potted plants overwintering on the balcony or the terrace on frost-free days! For drought damage especially on sunny, warm and sheltered sites standing book trees are particularly at risk.


As little as the book likes dryness, even less does it cope with an excess of moisture and above all waterlogging. Prevent by providing both garden and pottery with good drainage. The garden soil should be loose, well drained and humus. Do not water the book excessively and "by feel", but check the necessity with a simple finger test: If the substrate or the floor is dry within a few centimeters, then the supply of fresh water is necessary. Mulch the ground with bark mulch, so that moisture stays stored for longer and does not evaporate.

nutrient deficiency

The book has a great appetite and therefore relies on a regular supply of a balanced nutrient cocktail. The best is ripe compost, which is administered together with horn shavings and rock salt in April and June. Also, a long-term fertilizer (possibly boxwood fertilizer or green plant fertilizer) does good service here.


Another reason for yellow leaves on the boxwood may be damage to the roots caused by soil-borne pests such as voles, eellings, etc.