What is the growth of one beech per year?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 12 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Year in the Life of a Beech Tree | Woodland Trust
Video: A Year in the Life of a Beech Tree | Woodland Trust


Each year a beech grows about half a meter

What is the growth of one beech per year?

Beech trees are fast-growing deciduous trees that can be easily pulled into large gardens as a single tree. As beech grows a bit in size each year, they are also suitable as hedge, because they become dense very quickly, but then often have to be cut back.

The growth of one beech per year

If you hunt beeches as a hedge, you have to prune the trees regularly, so that the beech hedge remains nicely sealed.

As a stand-alone tree, you can simply grow the beech as long as you have enough space in the garden.


Beech undergoes two growth spurts each year. The first takes place in spring from March, the second begins in July and is also known as Johannistrieb.