What are the special features of a book?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 11 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Unique Features of Book or Article Critique
Video: The Unique Features of Book or Article Critique


Beech trees show a beautiful autumn color

What are the special features of a book?

Not for nothing are beech trees the most common in Germany deciduous trees. The foliage has a beautiful autumn color and the wood can be used in many ways. Special features and characteristics of the beech.

Why are beeches also called red beech?

The foliage of the common beech is green. The name European beech stems from the fact that the wood has a slightly reddish color. If it is dampened, the red color is created, which is especially appreciated in the furniture industry.

Beautiful autumn color of beech leaves

Beech trees turn bright green in spring. The foliage shows a rich green color in summer. In the beech, the foliage is even dark red or green-red. In autumn, the leaves turn to a very bright yellow-orange on red beech and a red-orange on blood beech.

Beech leaves hang on the tree for a very long time

Many beech species carry their foliage for a long time, although they are deciduous trees. The leaves often hang on the tree until the new shoot in spring, before they fall to the ground.

This characteristic makes the beech a popular hedge plant, because it is still opaque in winter.

Characteristics of the beech trunk

There are some features that make the beech trunk unique. In beech forests, the light gray to silver-gray color of the stem is particularly striking.

In addition, a beech can be determined by the fact that the trunk looks very smooth. The places where the branches once sat are easily recognizable.

Often, light gray dust can be seen under the beech. This is the bark, which does not form large scales in a beech, but crumbles into dust and falls off.

Beech trees are very good cut compatible

The peculiarities of the beech also include that it is extremely well cut compatible. She even tolerates a cut to the old wood. However, large wounds should be closed with artificial bark, so that no pathogens can penetrate.


Beech leaves are edible in contrast to the fruits. The leaves are used in natural medicine for the healing of ulcers and gum problems. Beech stingers are poisonous, but can be eaten roasted.