Cut broccoli in time and properly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to cut and clean Broccoli - French cooking techniques
Video: How to cut and clean Broccoli - French cooking techniques


Cut broccoli in time and properly

Even before US President Obama called broccoli as his favorite vegetable, the green asparagus cabbage already inspired more and more domestic recreational gardeners. In order to harvest the vegetables fresh and healthy, you have to cut it in time and properly.

The most important types of broccoli at a glance

Depending on how and when you want to cut and harvest your broccoli, choose one or more years old, early or late varieties. Also with the color you have the choice between the classical green, violet or yellow broccoli. A selection of the most important types of broccoli:

Cut broccoli properly and harvest in time

You can harvest broccoli several times during a garden year, unlike cauliflower. For this you cut off big, ripe roses just below the approach. From the underlying leaf axils along the thick stems grow new, smaller florets after 3 to 4 weeks. The flower buds of broccoli should not open, otherwise they are inedible. Cut out the thick inflorescence from the center, then you can achieve a second harvest from the side shoots. The ripening time for broccoli lasts 2 to 3 months, depending on the variety. A few minus degrees for autumn harvest do not bother him. Then cover it with fleece in good time.

The ideal time to cut broccoli is early morning when it is still wet with dew. Then he has the best flavor and lasts longer. The thick stems taste peeled cooked like asparagus. That's why the name asparagus cabbage. If you work with the lunar calendar as a recreational gardener, broccoli is a flowering plant and you should therefore grow, care for, cut and harvest it on flowering days.

Broccoli harvested and what then?

Broccoli can be eaten raw or cooked with the stems and leaves. Freshly harvested you can keep it in the fridge for 3 days. You want to store your broccoli for longer? Pull the whole plant out of the ground and place it head down in a cool place. So you can preserve the broccoli for 3 to 4 weeks. In addition, broccoli can be frozen well. Simply blanch for three minutes. Packed in a freezer bag it lasts up to nine months.

Tips & Tricks

If possible, do not store broccoli with ethyl-producing apples, bananas or tomatoes. This spoils faster.