Frost alert - how to protect bougainvillea from cold death

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 20 June 2024
5 Ways to Protect Plants From Frost and Freezing Weather
Video: 5 Ways to Protect Plants From Frost and Freezing Weather


The Bougainvillea does not tolerate minus degrees

Frost alert - how to protect bougainvillea from cold death

Bougainvilleas come from a subtropical area - so it's not surprising that they do not tolerate frost at all. We will show you how to protect your colorful flowering plant from harmful cold and to be happy about the abundance of flowers in the spring.

What the Bougainvillea needs to feel good

Bougainvillea, which belongs to the family of marigold plants, comes from a selected region along the Andes in subtropical South America. There, of course, she gets a lot of sunlight and heat. These factors are the most important thing, so that the vine can develop optimally with its magnificent, red to violet bracts. But you do not need to move to the south to give her enough light and warmth. The following basic measures already promise a successful cultivation:

The Achilles heel of Bougainvillea

The most impressive thing about the Bougainvillea is its colorful sea of ​​flowers, which gives it a tremendous amount of jewelery and is a feast for the eyes. But for the generous red, violet, sometimes even orange to white color splendor are not the flowers, but the three flat bracts responsible, which surround the actual, inconspicuous flowers (hence the nickname "Triplet flower"). As beautiful as they are, they are also very sensitive. Mechanical stress such as heavy rainfall or hail make it difficult for them - and also frost.

At the latest, clean at 0 ° C

If you care about your bougainvillea, follow the weather forecast carefully in the fall. When the first frosty nights are announced, it is high time to bring the bougainvillea into the house. If you forget the tropical beauty despite your efforts in the first light frosty night, but not necessarily equal to the oven. Most specimens survive shorter periods of cold already.

Do not panic if you lose leaf during the winter

Even for the winter, you need your Bougainvillea no tropical climate with great energy expenditure to fool. A temperature window of +5 to + 15 ° C is sufficient. If the plant sheds its leaves over the winter, you do not need to worry about cold death right away. Even if you have chosen a bright wintering location, the mid- to northern European winter light of the bougainvillea is not enough - but in the spring it will still be easy to cast back in its old splendor.