Create and nurture flower meadow

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to create a Wildflower Meadow: Wildlife Garden Design Guide - Episode 4.
Video: How to create a Wildflower Meadow: Wildlife Garden Design Guide - Episode 4.


Create and nurture flower meadow

There are many reasons to create a beautiful flower meadow with numerous, colorful flowers and herbs. Not only is it much easier to care for than an (English) turf, it also offers a kind of natural habitat due to its biodiversity. Meager meadows in particular are important for the survival of rare butterfly species and also serve bees and bumblebees as a food source. Greasy meadows, on the other hand, are more suitable for agricultural use, such as grazing or haying.

Different types of moths

If you want to plant a meadow, it is not enough to just buy a bag of meadow flower seeds, to spread them and to hope for their germination - because meadow is not the same meadow, because different soil conditions ensure that certain plants thrive on it particularly well. Therefore, you should first have a soil analysis done before sowing to find out the pasen Wiesstypus for the targeted piece of land. Furthermore, the nature of the meadow also depends on how you want to use it. A lean or dry meadow can hardly be used agriculturally, while fatty meadows are particularly suitable as cattle pasture and for hay production due to their high nutrient content. Swamp meadows are usually only for the production of hay available, while horse meadows, although lean, but still contain a high proportion of structurally rich grasses. In this article, however, we are only concerned with the two forms of a flower meadow, as they are found more or less frequently - up country, landab.

How to create a lean meadow

Meager meadows thrive mostly on sandy or calcareous, d. H. low nutrient, soils. For this reason, this type of meadow also has the largest variety of different species, because quickly awake grasses and nitrogen-loving flowers (eg dandelion or buttercup) have little chance on such a ground. Instead, the slow-moving flowers and herbs come into play. If you want to create a low-lying meadow, you must first of all - if necessary - lean out of existing soil. This is especially the case when there is already a meadow, a lawn or even a field on the selected area. Proceed as described in the attachment:

Typical flowers of a lean meadow

Meager meadows are often representatives of plant species such as

to find.

Creating a fat meadow

The fat meadow is created in a similar way as the grassy meadow, except that you do not of course enrich the soil with additional sand to the Ausmagerung. Nevertheless, especially when you turn a lawn into a meadow, you should make sure that you are lean. This is done primarily by stopping the hitherto usual fertilization of the lawn. If the lawn or ground surface is overgrown with moss, this is usually an indication of acidification of the soil - such will be accompanied by additional liming. In addition, it can often be useful not just to mow the previous vegetation briefly and dig up the soil, but instead to remove the top soil layer with a flat spade. This is then replaced by fresh soil.

Typical flowers of a fat meadow

On meadows are mainly many fast-growing grasses and some nitrogen-loving plants. Herbs, on the other hand, disappear, the more nutritious the meadow is.

The right care of the meadow

Of course, fat and lean meadows also differ quite a bit in terms of care from each other.

Maintain a meager meadow

The most important care advice for poor meadows is that they must not be fertilized under any circumstances, because a fertilizer promotes especially strong awake plants such as grasses. The more nutrients you feed, the more grasses and the fewer flowers thrive in your meadow. Instead, the Magerwiese but should be whitewashed once a year, because this measure prevents acidification of the soil. Regular mowing once or twice a year also contributes to a rich flora. It is best to mow for the first time either in May or in the second half of June and the second time in September. The crop should be cleared.

Maintain a fat meadow

In contrast to the Magerwiese fat meadows should be fertilized regularly. For this purpose, you can apply special art, but also natural fertilizer (manure, manure, compost). Grazing meadows receive a natural fertilization by cattle dung. Furthermore, fatty meadows should be mown about three times a year, which is traditionally done once in May, once in the second half of June and once in August.

Tips & Tricks

Whatever type of meadow you choose, all meadows need one: as much sun as possible.