7 rules for optimal irrigation of the flower bed

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Build a Raised Garden Bed with Drip Irrigation - Inexpensive & Easy
Video: How to Build a Raised Garden Bed with Drip Irrigation - Inexpensive & Easy


With a droplet system irrigation goes by itself

7 rules for optimal irrigation of the flower bed

Watering a flowerbed properly is already an art in itself. After all, the species planted there usually have completely different preferences in terms of quantity and frequency. However, if you stick to the following seven rules, nothing can go wrong - and your plants will thank you for their magnificent growth and lush flowers.

Do not allow the flower bed to dry completely

Many a gardener has difficulty finding the right amount of water or pouring regularly. So few plants tolerate constant wetness, but a regular drying just does not get flowering plants. Make sure that the root ball never completely dries out. On the other hand, it is allowed to dry slightly, which stimulates root growth.

Always penetrate and pour in small partial doses

Do not water too often, but rather rare and penetrating. So that the large amounts of water do not drain off unused before they infiltrate, always water only in small sub-doses: The next slosh takes place only when the previous has disappeared in the earth.

Adjust the amount of water to the plant needs

Do not water all the flowers in the flowerbed the same way, but adjust the casting behavior to the actual needs of each species. You can reduce this work by placing plants with a similar need for moisture and nutrients in the bed.

Avoid waterlogging

Waterlogging occurs especially when the soil is compacted and the excess irrigation water can not easily seep further. You can solve this problem by subsequently installing a drainage system and loosening the ground, for example with a digger fork and a hoe.

Pour the whole root ball

Never water the plant with water only at a certain point, as this promotes only one-sided root growth. Instead, water all around, so that the precious wet can reach all root parts.

Water early in the morning or late at night

Especially on hot summer days, you should either water early in the morning or late at night, when the blazing sun does not allow the moisture to evaporate immediately. In spite of and because of the heat enough water gets to the roots.

Do not wet leaves

Always water flowers from below and never wet the leaves or flowers - wet leaves, especially if they can not dry fast enough, are the ideal breeding ground for fungal diseases.


Irrigation systems are only partially suitable for automatic irrigation of flowerbeds. Therefore, better avoid drip or spray nozzle systems.