Blue Iron Hat: Beautiful, but poisonous!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Marty Robbins - Big Iron (Audio)
Video: Marty Robbins - Big Iron (Audio)


The Blue Iron Hat is highly poisonous; even taking fewer grams can lead to death

Blue Iron Hat: Beautiful, but poisonous!

Even if you think it's just a mistake. If a suspected poisoning with the Eisenhut you should immediately visit an ambulance! Why? Continue reading!

Next article Blue Iron Hat: At what location does he like?

All plant parts are highly toxic!

All plant parts of the Blue Eisenhut are extremely poisonous! Not only children and animals are at risk, but you too, if you treat it recklessly. Witness him respect, because a few grams are life-threatening! The tubers and seeds are the most poisonous.

Symptoms of poisoning and death within 30 minutes

Alkaloids and particularly Aconitin cause rapid symptoms of intoxication (death after 30 minutes) - even on mere skin contact:


The Blue Iron Hat finds its locations especially in the European mountain ranges. Not only there but also on roadsides and shore areas and even in gardens he is to be found. Be careful!