How to properly care for a blue orchid

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Fake VS Real: Blue Orchids Exist! Care Guide & Curiosities
Video: Fake VS Real: Blue Orchids Exist! Care Guide & Curiosities


The rather violet Vanda coerulea is called a blue orchid

How to properly care for a blue orchid

With a Vanda Royal Blue you experience your personal blue wonder on the windowsill. This unique rarity from Mother Nature's realm is easier to maintain than her extravagant appearance suggests. Read how to water, fertilize and cut the Vanda coerulea and their colorful hybrids.

How is the substrate-free orchid poured?

Since the blue orchid is also cultivated without soil, as their conspecifics, the watering can is not the equipment for the care. Rather, the slogan is: Diving instead of casting. How to do it right:

In winter, please adjust the water supply to the reduced light and temperature conditions.

When and how is a blue orchid fertilized?

In the course of its summer growth and flowering period, your azure flower beauty will gladly accept an orchid fertilizer every 14 days. Please use only a liquid special fertilizer, as usual flower fertilizers are too salty. The concentration specified by the manufacturer is additionally halved. Simply add the nutrients to the dip water. During the winter growth calm the fertilization in the 4-Wochen-Takt.

Is a cut allowed on a Vanda coerulea?

A pruning in the true sense does not get your blue orchid. Rather, a cut into green parts of your plant will cause considerable damage to your sensitive Vanda. Only withered, retracted leaves and flowers are plucked. Please do not cut off a peduncle until it has completely died. The use of meticulously disinfected knives and scissors is mandatory. The incisions are dusted with primeval flour or cinnamon to prevent infection and pest infestation.


If you encounter a rich blue orchid in the supermarket, it is very likely a colored phalaenopsis. A Dutch breeder managed to stain a white butterfly orchid blue using a patented method. Unfortunately, the splendor does not last long, because already at the next flowering time the colored orchid blooms again in pure white.