Automatic watering of houseplants themselves

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 13 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
5 Genius Ways to Water Your Plants When You are Away on Vacation - Indoor Plants Automatic Watering
Video: 5 Genius Ways to Water Your Plants When You are Away on Vacation - Indoor Plants Automatic Watering


With a few tools can create a simple irrigation system

Automatic watering of houseplants themselves

Whether summer vacation or short weekend trip: In every absence, the problem remains that the houseplants still need to be supplied with water. If neighbors or friends can not take on this task, automatic or home-made irrigation systems will help.

Automatic irrigation system for indoor plants

Practical is about one of the following irrigation systems that are already available for little money commercially and can be used over and over again.

watering cone

If only an absence of a few days is to be bridged, so-called irrigation cones are a proven method to supply thirsty indoor plants with water. These cones are available in different variations and from different manufacturers, but all work on a similar principle. The water stored in an external container is released slowly and gradually into the plant pot via a plastic or clay cone inserted into the soil. You have the following systems to choose from:

Basically you should give priority to clay watering cones, as they give the water more reliable to the substrate. It simply seeps through the porous material. Plastic cones in turn simply have a drain hole through which the liquid flows.

With pump and timer

Very sophisticated and reliable is the system of a well-known manufacturer, which works by means of pump and timer.Here, the water is supplied via supply lines and drip hoses, through which the water is transported by a small submersible pump directly to the plants. It is watered once a day for about a minute, which regulates a specially programmed timer. The disadvantage of this system, however, is its price: From 120, - EUR upwards you can plan for this irrigation.

DIY systems - simple and effective

At these prices, you can get away much cheaper if you make your irrigation system yourself. No complicated or expensive materials are required, most people already have them at home. However, when building your own, be sure to work with care - if the system does not work, your plants can be taken in during your absence. Therefore, it makes sense to first test the self-built irrigation system while you are at home. Then you can eliminate possible sources of error in time. You have these options for a self-built irrigation system:


Holiday irrigation is the easiest way to do it if you rely on hydroponics right from the start.