How to design a bedding border made of field stones - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Make a STONE LANDSCAPE BED BORDER | Step-by-Step Process
Video: How To Make a STONE LANDSCAPE BED BORDER | Step-by-Step Process


Fieldstones are practical, inexpensive and very decorative

How to design a bedding border made of field stones - tips and tricks

Wooden bed limits are set in a short time and quickly replaced if necessary, but unfortunately not unlimited shelf life. A stone bed surround, on the other hand, is permanently created without the need for special care.

In addition to paving stones and granite, you can also use field stones. They fit particularly well in a natural garden and are laid quickly. A small wall of two or three rows of fieldstone is a little more elaborate but very decorative. You can use it to separate larger garden areas from each other or make a slope bed.

Design ideas for flower beds made of field stones:

Where can I get the required field stones?

You can collect fieldstones yourself. They are often on the edges of fields, maybe even in your own garden or in the yard next door. But ask before you take the stones of foreign cause. In the hardware store you will find field stones in different sizes and shapes.

Do I have to attach field stones especially?

If you lay only a row of field stones, then no attachment is necessary. Just place the stones on the edge of your bed as desired. But if you want to fix a slope bed or make a wall, then stability is very important. You should definitely work with mortar here. Here it makes sense to combine stones in different sizes.

Are fieldstones also suitable for lawn limitation?

If you want to separate a lawn from a flower or vegetable patch, then field stones are only partially suitable. Naturally, the boulders have no straight edge, moreover, they are not placed in the ground so that they form a flat surface. This way the lawn can not always be perfectly mowed at this edge.

Occasionally, the handle to a lawn edging shear is necessary to keep your lawn looking well-groomed. Nevertheless, over time, some grass will grow on the other side of the stones in your bed. You then have to remove it with difficulty.


With a simple laid row of field stones, you can create a decorative flower bed enclosure within a very short time.