How to create a new bed - tips and tricks

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 8 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
9 Designer Tips on How to Make Your Bed Look LUXURIOUS & FLUFFY Affordably! #Italic #MadeforItalic
Video: 9 Designer Tips on How to Make Your Bed Look LUXURIOUS & FLUFFY Affordably! #Italic #MadeforItalic


Garden beds can also be created around

How to create a new bed - tips and tricks

It's a lot of fun to redesign a bed or a whole garden, but also a lot of work. So that this is not in vain at the end, you should plan your project well before you go to the action.

A small bed is created within a short time, a large needs a little more time. In addition, the selected plants should fit the intended location so that they are satisfied with the outcome of their work. Shadow-loving plants burn easily in the sun, while sun-loving species rarely or not bloom in the shade.

The right preparation

If you want to redesign a bed, then you probably already have an idea of ​​what it should look like. Maybe there are still some questions. If it is already clear which plants should grow in the new bed, then choose the place according to their needs.

The bed limit

There are various materials available for the design of your bed border. Very durable and easy care is a stone surround. It does not have to be expensive, but it is usually very labor-intensive to manufacture. Often easier to build, but less weather-resistant is a wooden bed frame. Alternatively, a bed can be very well with boxwood or herbs border.

The easy-care bed

If you do not have a lot of time or desire for gardening, then it is best to make an easy-care bed. This succeeds, for example, with the selection of easy-care plants. Ground cover ensures that little to no weed can grow on the bed. Similar effects are achieved by covering the bed with bark mulch.

Step by step to the new garden bed:


The more thoughts you have in advance, the easier it will be to look after your new garden bed later.