Spots of basil indicate these problems

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
What are those Brown Spots on My Basil?!
Video: What are those Brown Spots on My Basil?!


Spots of basil indicate these problems

If a basil instead of lush green leaves presents only unsightly spotted leaves, there is an urgent need for action. In order to cure the king's cabbage, a cause research first takes place. Which problems are expressed in blotched leaves, learn here.

Fungal infections cause speckled leaves

One of the largest inflorescula genera called Septoria does not spare basil. The spores cause brown necroses on the leaflets that spoil our appetite. In damp weather, the damage occurs from June in appearance in the form of small, spreading stains. In the end, the foliage dries up and falls off. Effective control agents are not yet known. To prevent infection:

First and foremost, a rain-protected site provides effective prevention against attack by Septoria spores. Smart hobby gardeners join basil in the garden, therefore, to their tomato plants under a rain cover.

The Lucerne mosaic virus has aphids in its luggage

The symptoms of the widespread viral infection are expressed in the form of mosaic-like discoloration on the leaves. In addition, deformations and compressions develop on the foliage of the royal kraut. In the herb garden, aphids are usually the carriers of this devastating plant disease. A cure is not known. So that the viruses do not spread further in the garden, the infected basil should be destroyed immediately.

As a precautionary measure, experienced hobby gardeners are consistently against aphids. In the course of intensive research, thrips were also suspected of introducing the mosaic virus, so that these harmful insects should be included in the fight. Since the viruses are sometimes transmitted by infected seeds, the use of only certified quality goods from retailers is recommended.

Tips & Tricks

It does not always have to be a disease that causes stains on basil. One of the most common triggers of this damage is a wrong casting behavior. Tender king's cabbage does not want to be irrigated from above. Even on a spray, the herbal plant reacts with brown spots. Always pour directly to the root area.