So plant basil on the balcony with expertise

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Growing basil on the east or west balcony?
Video: Growing basil on the east or west balcony?


So plant basil on the balcony with expertise

The herb garden on the balcony is only complete, basil in the pot joins. In order for the aromatic herb plant to develop its full potential, professional planting comes into focus. Which specifications have to be taken into account can be found here.

Material list and preparation work

Supermarket basil plants usually have the disadvantage of being received within a week. As part of a cultivation by sowing competent hobby gardeners instead create strong, vital young plants on the windowsill. Therefore, until the beginning of the planting season in mid-May, the seedlings thrive behind glass. In addition, the following materials are required:

So that the potting soil does not compact, add a handful of sand as well as some horn shavings as additional nutrients. This mixture comes for disinfection in the refractory vessel for 30 minutes in the oven at 150 degrees Celsius.

Instructions for the right plants

Since basil does not tolerate temperatures below 12 degrees Celsius, a plant is considered only after the Eisheiligen into consideration. Put the still potted young plant with the root ball in water until no more air bubbles rise up. Meanwhile, you tackle the further work in such a way:

Do not immediately expose newly planted basil to the blazing sun. Only after a settling phase of 3-4 days in partial shade, the warm sunshine is welcome. In the following time, make sure that the earth does not dry out. After 4-6 weeks, the nutrients are consumed in the substrate, so that fertilized for the first time.

Tips & Tricks

A spirited potting of young basil plants promotes further branching.If you snap the shoot tips repeatedly, the plant thrives all the bushier. At the same time, the flowering is stopped, which regularly causes the taste to be bitter with kohlwort.