Questions about the care of the two-year-old barnacle do not stay in the room here

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Dr. Pimple Poppers 8 WORST Blackhead Removals - You’re not going to want to eat while you watch this
Video: Dr. Pimple Poppers 8 WORST Blackhead Removals - You’re not going to want to eat while you watch this


Bartels often show their impressive flowering potential only in the second year

Questions about the care of the two-year-old barnacle do not stay in the room here

The barnacea challenges our patience, because their picturesque flowers unfolds them only in the second year. For this waiting period a Dianthus barbatus compensates us with a firework of bright colors and frugal unpretentiousness. As the nostalgic farmer garden flower transforms your green kingdom into a sea of ​​flowers, the following answers to frequent questions.

Plant the carnation properly

In two stages, you settle a biennial carnation in the garden. In May, sow the seeds in the seedbed to plant them in their final location in August / September. How to do it right:

If there is a lot of crowding in the seedbed, plant the young barnacles at a distance of 20-25 cm from the intended location. First, enrich the soil with compost or bark humus and some handfuls of rock flour or algae lime. Please keep your previous planting depth and water abundantly.
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care Tips

As well as a successful care are regular watering and plastering of withered flowers. In addition, a start fertilization with compost and algae lime gets the barnacle going. In the pot, the charming flower on liquid fertilizer in June and August in the 2-week rhythm. In exposed locations, we recommend winter protection in the form of autumn leaves and pine fronds. Plant pots should be left in the bright winter quarters before the first frost.
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Which location is suitable?

In a sunny spot the carnation grows vital and healthy. This applies to flowers in the bed and pot alike. Choose a place with loose-humorous, nutrient-rich and calcareous soil. Use as a substrate commercially available potting soil and enrich it with some rock flour or algae lime.
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Which soil does the plant need?

Characteristic of farmer garden plants is their preference for a fresh-moist, humus-rich and nutrient-rich soil. In this respect, the carnation makes no exception. In addition, the biennial perennial feels particularly well cared for when the acidity value with 7.5 to 8.0 has a slight tendency in the alkaline direction.
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What is the best planting time?

Two dates are relevant for the proper cultivation of a barnacle: the sowing in May / June in the seedbed as well as the planting at the final location until September at the latest. Anyone who heeds this sequence for the planting season may look forward to the picturesque flowerbed in the following early summer.
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When is flowering time?

The bloom time of a Bartnelke extends from May / June to August. However, her colorful flower dress does not plant the two-year-old perennial until the year after sowing and planting. Until then, the Dianthus barbatus develops a basal leaf rosette, which produces the desired inflorescence in the following season. So that the charming summer flower retains its charisma over this long period of time, please cut off withered flowers regularly.
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Cut the carnation properly

There are several occasions when you want to cut the carnation. The following overview lists all important details:

In winter-mild regions there is the prospect of a renewed blossom festival next year. In this case, do not cut the carnation down to the ground until next spring, so that the withered leaves protect the root ball from the rigors of winter.
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Pour clove

On drought stress the barnacle reacts extremely bad-tempered, denying the flowering and allowing the leaves to hang limply. Therefore, water the summer flower regularly when soil or substrate have dried. In the early morning or in the evening, the best time to pour the normal tap water directly onto the root disk.
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Fertilize the carnation properly

The modest claims of a barnacle find expression not least in the nutrient supply. An organic fertilizer with compost and horn shavings and a handful of algae lime cover the needs in the bed. In the pot and flower box, please fertilize with a liquid fertilizer every 2-3 weeks in June and August or give fertilizer sticks with a long-lasting effect once in the substrate.
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In the planting year, the barnacle goes into the winter with a basal leaf rosette. So that the cold season can not harm the root ball, we recommend a cover with leaves and brushwood for rough layers. Since a Dianthus barbatus does not always follow the two-year life plan, there are prospects for another heyday in winter-mildew regions. Do not cut back the carnation plant in autumn, but spread a protective layer over the planting site again. With a little luck, the flower will make another trip. At least she has provided by self-sowing for plenty of offspring.
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Characteristic of biennial plants is the meager selection of propagation methods. Only sowing has a chance of success for a barnacle. At the end of the flowering period, collect the ripe capsule fruits, about 1 cm in size. These contain the valuable seeds, which you should keep dark, cool and dry. In May or June sow the seeds directly into the bed. At temperatures of 15-18 degrees Celsius, germination starts within 7-14 days.
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Bartnel does not bloom

Do not rattle in the first year with a lack of florets. The carnation is designed as a biennial perennial. This characteristic implies that a leaf rosette first develops in the year of sowing and planting. It hibernates in order to raise the enchanting inflorescence in the following season.
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