Pests on balcony plants - Tips for symptoms and control

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Houseplant pests: treating aphids, mealybugs, scale, thrips, whiteflies, and spider mites
Video: Houseplant pests: treating aphids, mealybugs, scale, thrips, whiteflies, and spider mites


Pests are only too happy to make their way over balcony plants

Pests on balcony plants - Tips for symptoms and control

A host of different creepy-crawlies make balcony plants in the box and tubs difficult. Most pest spirits feed on the sap. Other brash pests eat up leaves and flowers. Here is an overview of typical symptoms of a pest infestation. Benefit from tried and tested tips for a powerful fight without chemicals.

Detect pest infestation - typical symptoms

A variety of dreaded pests are far too small to be detected by the naked eye. Only when, as a result of explosive propagation, hosts of plague ghosts frolic on balcony plants, the dilemma becomes obvious. The following symptoms indicate at an early stage that aphids and co-inhabitants have taken root:

Some particularly destructive pests can be tasted leaves and flowers. Smooth feeding points to voracious snails, whereas serrated wounds indicate insatiable caterpillars.

Identify and combat pests - Tips & Tricks

If you are already aware of pests on your balcony plants at an early stage, the handle to the chemical insecticide is superfluous. Biological control methods summarizes the following overview:

Under high infestation even immobile scales are mobile. Before dealing with pests, please quarantine the infested balcony plants.


Cold-sensitive balcony plants overwinter ideally in the frost-free cellar. Cunning pests also flirt with a comfortable winter quarters. Therefore, subject the plants to a thorough inspection before grazing. Ideally, use a magnifying glass for this purpose and examine leaves, leaf axils and substrate for stowaways.