When planting trees pay attention to the correct distance

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 16 June 2024
Drake - Passionfruit
Video: Drake - Passionfruit


If trees are planted too closely, they hinder growth

When planting trees pay attention to the correct distance

Not every tree fits in any garden, because the bigger a wood is, the more space it needs.For this reason, adherence to the planting distances recommended by the gardener is so important: If the tree is too large for its location, the threat of deforestation or a complicated transplanting.

Why the pase planting distance is so important

Who buys young trees in the nursery or in the gardening market, often tends to put the still small tree to a much too small location - after all, the idea is hard that from this small specimen even a large, mighty tree can be. On the plant label you will always find information on a recommended planting distance, so that even the full-grown woodland will later have enough space. Overgrown shrubs tend to get sick quickly. In addition, they press other plants in their growth and can, depending on the strength of growth, even displace them. Therefore, prior to planting, measure the correct distance from the closest plant / structure to the main or central drive of the new tree.

Plan planting distance for hedges correctly

Hedges are generally planted denser than single shrubs. Here, the plants are finally grown together to provide a natural privacy. Basically, depending on the plant species and variety, you can plan between two and five trees per meter. Measure the recommended planting distance from center to center. Incidentally, if the hedge is fenced, you will need fewer plants: here you must plan not only the distance between the plants, but also the distance between the fence and the plants. Otherwise, the trees could be squeezed by the fence or by the wall. In contrast, "free" hedges are planted directly from centimeter 0, which is why you need to plan at least two other plants.

Do not forget: keep the distance!

In addition to the correct planting distance, which serves the well-being and growth behavior of the tree, you must, however, also pay attention to the correct marginal distance and must adhere to it - after all, standing close to the property boundary trees and other trees belong to the most common neighborhood conflicts in Germany. How big this distance must be, is regulated by law - in each federal state as well as for many trees in detail. As a rule of thumb: trees and shrubs with a height of up to two meters must be at a distance of at least 50 centimeters to the property boundary, higher trees at least one meter.


Incidentally, the basis for the calculation of the correct marginal distance is not the height of the young tree, but the probable height of the later adult specimen.