Building a stream with a waterfall - simple possibilities presented briefly

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 12 April 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Easiest Excel Waterfall Chart (Bridge graph) from Scratch - Works with minus values
Video: Easiest Excel Waterfall Chart (Bridge graph) from Scratch - Works with minus values


A small waterfall in the stream brings movement into the garden

Building a stream with a waterfall - simple possibilities presented briefly

Ideally, a waterfall will be completely natural and in harmony with its surroundings. It literally brings life to the garden and is not just for hillside gardens. The sight and sound of a waterfall brings with it activity, light and movement - and also has strong symbolism. For this reason, we present here some easy-to-reproduce ideas for an artificial waterfall in the garden.

Cascade waterfall over garden pond

No question: Who thinks of a waterfall, has mostly rushing into the depth plunging water in front of the eye. Such a waterfall can also be installed in your home garden, but it needs plenty of space for the optimal development of its effect, as well as a garden environment. Such a steep waterfall is very effective when it flows as a conclusion of a stream its water masses into a deeper lying garden pond. The water can flow down a steep wall or artfully piled up natural stones. In order for the structure to be stable enough, you usually can not avoid concreting. The natural stones in turn press into the not yet hardened concrete, where you should not use any mixture here. It makes sense to resort to waterproof varieties or mix it with sealing powder.

Gentle rippling staircase waterfall

If the slope is small, the stream can instead be in a stepped, gently flowing waterfall. With this, several gradations slow down the speed of the water so that aquatic plants can easily thrive here. Stair-shaped waterfalls can be made from prefabricated shells, molded from concrete or with the help of pond liner.


Before you decide on a variant, you should first think about this: Imagine what the waterfall will look like when the water is switched off, for example in winter. Only too simple is a soulless concrete structure created, which looks like a miniature quarry rather than an idyllic waterfall when dry.