Detect and fight diseases on asters

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 7 May 2021
Update Date: 18 June 2024
Canola School: New test to detect aster yellows in leafhoppers
Video: Canola School: New test to detect aster yellows in leafhoppers


If the aster - especially the leaves - is too wet, it is more susceptible to disease

Detect and fight diseases on asters

What a perennial friend does not have at least one aster in his garden? These hard-working perennials make a lot of visual sense. But asters do not always look powerful, colorful and healthy. Sometimes they are afflicted with diseases ...

Recognize and combat astery wilt

The leaves of the aster hang limply down. As if they were suffering from dryness. But the earth is not dry. On the contrary, it is even quite humid. The cause behind the flabby leaves is probably the aster's wilt.

This disease often occurs with pillows. The leaves soon turn brown to black, until they finally die. In the long term, the plant is beyond help. So she can not attack other asters, it should be disposed of as soon as possible.

At the location where the asterfly has occurred, you should no longer plant asters for several years. The fungi hibernate in the soil and can re-infest newly planted or sown asters. So choose a new location for your asters!

Recognize and treat mildew

A second disease that is more common in asters is powdery mildew. The plant is especially susceptible to mildew attack if its leaves are constantly moist. Affected parts should be cut off and not disposed of on the compost but in the household waste.

That's how you recognize the disease:

Common causes of diseases in asters

In most cases, nursing mistakes are behind the illnesses. Also an inappropriate location and a too rare division may be reasons. To prevent illness:


For the sake of the environment and your wallet, avoid using chemical fungicides. Strengthen your asters and optimize the care, so that the said diseases do not even occur.